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Our Programs


Physical Attention 
Food Outreach Program


Our nutritious meal program is a life-saving initiative aimed at ending the suffering caused by malnutrition, parasites, and stomach diseases among our students.

Thanks to Partner Hero, Convoy of Hope, Alvarenga Poultry farm, among other friends, we can provide 2-3 daily meals that are not only filling but also rich in vitamins (with a menu created by Andrea, a nutritionist) and medicines, we are making a significant impact in the lives of these children. Our goal is not only to feed our students but also their families, giving them access to clean and healthy food.


Intellectual Attention 
Grace School


Grace Honduras serves 200 students from ages 3 to 45 who live in extreme poverty, suffer from prenatal abuse and exposure to toxins, and are exposed to violence and drugs. This leads to cognitive deficits and learning disorders, including dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and ADHD. To address these challenges, Grace Honduras uses a specialized curriculum that emphasizes reading, writing, math, and motor skills and includes sensory activities and games to boost creativity and reduce stress. The school is certified by Alfasic de Honduras for elementary and IHER for high school.


Psychological Attention 
Psycho-pedagogical Intervention


In Jan 2021, 200 students in grades 1-8 were evaluated over 2 months to develop an educational plan that fits their academic abilities. The evaluations covered reading (fluency and comprehension), writing (coding, graphomotricity, and composition), and mathematics (numeration, arithmetic calculation, and problem-solving).

Our action plan aims to achieve full school inclusion and help students reach their full potential:

  1. Mentoring Program - two groups: mentors and mentors in need, to help and improve self-confidence

  2. Nursery construction to prevent personality and learning disorders

  3. Curricular adjustments and classroom accommodations

  4. Manuals for creative classes with playful content and sensory materials

  5. New books to strengthen writing and graphomotor skills

  6. Two preschool sections to develop sensorimotor and social skills

  7. Teacher training on learning disorders and Montessori methodology

  8. Psychoeducation for parents and students on mental health

  9. Psychotherapy services for students, mothers, and family members

  10. Annual psycho-pedagogical evaluations

  11. Multiple intelligences learning centers

  12. Funding for a playground area to reduce stress and improve mental health

  13. Montessori methodology for special education needs students

  14. "Response to Intervention" model for severe specific learning difficulties

  15. Modified Honduran National Basic Educational Curriculum to fit student needs.

In addition to psychological support, we offer emotional support through fun activities to improve self-esteem, mental health, and reduce stress for students who have experienced trauma and lack of affection.


Familiar Attention 
House Construction Projects 

Grace Honduras is proud to have made a positive impact in the lives of families in need. Through the construction of 6 homes, made from materials found in the trash dump, Grace Honduras has provided a safe and clean place for families to call home. This project has greatly improved the families' lives and health. Grace Honduras is grateful for the support of sponsors and friends who have made this project possible, including Timothy Bouldry, Ruth Cheung, GlobalGiving, Mirna Aplicano, and Angélica Mendoza. The organization continues to seek partnerships and donations to fulfill the families' ongoing needs and further their mission of making a difference in the community.

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Grace Honduras is a Christian education organization that bases its teachings on the Bible. We believe in one living, true, and all-powerful God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who became a man to save humanity and is both fully God and fully man. The Bible is the revealed Word of God and is sufficient, safe, and infallible. All people are sinners and need salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, and works are important as well. We believe in baptism, the Holy Spirit as a guide, the church as the body of Christ, the second coming of Jesus, and serving the families of the garbage dump as a ministry. Our salvation and provision come from God's grace.

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